my good friends will and ashley and i went to a new thrift store last month called the community dolla warehouse, on east georgia street, in between south main and 2nd street, in what used to apparently a concrete warehouse that the owner decided to convert into a thrift store. how was it, you ask?
pretty freaking cool! from what i was led to understand the guy who runs the place decided not to pursue a career in the concrete industry any more so he converted his huge warehouse space into a thrift store, replete with the usual:
cds, vhs tapes, totally reasonably priced
books that while not outstanding in their selection, were very cheap
tons of kids toys and games and assorted crap like that (this was about a third of it)
the requisite selection of tvs and old couches, all in pretty good shape
a smattering of truly quirky pieces of decor (never seen a monogrammed lamp before)
a small but decent looking selection of clothes
jars, cooking implements - the kind of kitchen stuff you'd expect
a few "mystery items" that neither my companions nor i could even postulate any viable theories about
a whole mess of dishes and glasses, including a few hilarious shot glasses, which i purchased
the space hat from my earlier post
and this AMAZING little chair desk side table thing, which is left handed, if you notice, which one so rarely sees, anywhere.
all in all a really cool little store... i just totally applaud the idea that some guy decided to just up and put a bunch of junk in a big warehouse and call it a thrift store. my friends and i found out about this place from a random cardboard sign that i'd assume the owner put up at the corner of cooper and union a couple months ago, and i have to say the trip was totally worth it even though i didn't buy a mountain of stuff, and i would heartily encourage anyone who reads this and is intrigued by what they see to pop down and check it out - the actual address is something like 148 east georgia or thereabouts, basically if you take main street south from downtown and make a left on georgia you can't miss it, it's right on the right in a building that looks like an old concrete warehouse, because that's what it was. don't bother telling him i sent you... that has never once in my life done anything beneficial for anyone. usually the opposite
anyway get down there as soon as you can, the hours are pretty usual - i want to say maybe 9-5 weekdays, 1-5 weekends or something like that. i don't know. wow, remember when i used to give a crap about reporting actual information instead of just ranting about random photographs? ah, those were better times. oh recap:
Community Dolla Warehouse
Somewhere on East Georgia in between South Main and 2nd Street
Something like 9-5 M-F and maybe 1-5 S/S(?)
I don't know what the phone number is
that is all
Please tell me you bought that little chair desk...
The captcha word for this comment is "antswo." I think I shall name my first born this.
i did NOT in fact buy it, although i probably should have. one encounters these moments fairly often. if i bought everything that caught my eye without the benefit of hindsight my apartment would literally explode, and my bank account would wither away to s shriveled husk. there is nothing to be done for it, sadly, it's the eternal quandary of thrifting. i thought it was fucking awesome too.
gah- thanks! ive been trying to find this one based on my friend saying there was a "sign somewhere over near crump and s main". I've looked in vain like three times! thanks!
That is a "gossip chair," I think. Phone goes on the top shelf.
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