dear god. it shouldn't take any long time readers of the blog very long to surmise that this came from Nancy's Thrift Store on wells station road, the ninth circle of thrifting hell in memphis tennessee. beyond that i'm just not even sure what to say. there's some sort of story to be told here, but much like that time i found the beat up 3-pack of trojan magnums chewed up on the sidewalk that afternoon, i'm just not sure that i want to know what it is.
i believe this astute reader said it best...her only comment upon sending the picture along was "WHY?" which i think sums it all up pretty nicely.
thanks ever so much to holly for the nice letter and the contribution, i would encourage anyone and everyone in the greater memphis area to send in pics as they pop up, since, sadly, i can't be everywhere at once. if only i could...imagine the possibilities.
see you all again soon
This makes me want to use the middle school word "grody."
My friend warren came up with an even better caption- "looks like winter for summer's eve"
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